A new take on tradition
Vegetarian flatbread
Preparing the flatbread dough requires patience but is well worth it. The finished pancakes go well with the taste of vegetable pates and pickled vegetables. Delicious!
Vegetarian flatbread
The secret to successful flatbread is using good ingredients - quality flour is essential.

- 30 g active rye sourdough starter
- 300 g rye flour 2000
- 100 g wheat flour
- 220 ml water
- 6 g salt
- 1 packaging ZM Pekpol Ostrołęka Dziarskie Jarskie pâté with carrots and lentils
- 1 packaging ZM Pekpol Ostrołęka Dziarskie Jarskie pâté with broccoli
- 1 packaging lettuce mix
- ulubione marynowane warzywa
- rapeseed oil cold pressed
- sprouts and herbs for decoration
The day before baking, mix the sourdough starter with 100 g of rye flour and 80 ml of water in a bowl. Cover the dish and set aside for 12 hours or overnight. The next day, add the remaining ingredients and set aside again for 8 hours.
Divide the dough into 6 parts, roll into thin pancakes and fry in a dry pan until browned.
Spread the finished flatbread with pâté. Serve with salad and pickled vegetables. Before serving, garnish with herbs and sprouts and drizzle with oil.